若郵件郵資不足,香港郵政會收取欠資及相關費用。本會不會接收郵資不足的郵件,有關郵件將由香港郵政退回寄件人(有回郵地址)或予以銷毀(沒 有回郵地址)。
Mail items with insufficient postage
Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post. The Society will not accept underpaid mail items, which will be returned to the sender (with return address) or disposed of (without return address) by the Hongkong Post.
- 逾期遞交的申請,將不獲本會受理。
- 申請人必須於本表格內所有部分,提供完整及充足資料,否則申請不獲受理。
- 本會將要求申請人出示證明文件,以供核對其申報之學歷、工作及薪酬等。
- 申請人所提供的資料,將用於招聘以及其他聘用有關的事宜上。有關資料可能會給予獲授權處理申請資料的部門/機構,以便進行與聘用有關的事宜。如學歷評審及體格檢查。
- 未獲取錄之申請人的資料或會由本會保存,將來以作參考,當無需保留時將全部銷毀。
- 提交申請表後,如欲更改或查詢個人資料。請填妥本會的《查閱/更改資料要求表格》,交回本會行政部辦理。
- Late application will not be considered by the Society.
- Applicants should provide FULL and COMPLETE information in all sections of this application form, failing which your application will not be considered by the Society.
- Applicants will be required to produce documentary evidence pertaining to qualifications, work experience, remuneration, etc. as declared in this application form for verification by the Society.
- The information provided will be used for appointment to the Society and other employment-related purposes. It may be provided to government department/ agencies authorized to process the information for purposes relating to appointment e.g. qualifications assessment and medical examination.
- Unsuccessful applications may be retained by the Society for future reference, which will be destroyed when no longer required.
- If you wish to require access to and/ or correction of your personal data, you may do so under Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Please request for our "Personal Data Access/ Correction Request Form" for completion and forward it to Administration Department.